Image of a sad and a happy woman.

How to Retire from the Job from Hell

September 23, 20244 min read

Feeling Trapped? You’re Not Alone...

Today, I'm going to share something that truly changed my life. If you've ever had a moment where you looked at your life and felt trapped, wondering how you got there and more importantly, how you'll get out, you're not alone.

Not too long ago, I was in that exact place. I owned a business, and although many of you may work a job, our situations aren't too different. I would wake up every day to a packed calendar, so full that some days I couldn’t even take a walk, much less find time to pray, meditate, or connect with God. The to-do list was endless, growing exponentially and pressuring me constantly. It reminded me of when I was in school while raising kids and climbing the corporate ladder, always with something that needed doing. There comes a point in life where you just can’t keep up that pace anymore.

The Burnout Cycle

There was a relentless pressure every month; starting from zero again to make enough money for bills or to maintain the business. Realization hit me: if I stopped, the money stopped. This wasn’t just about me; my employees' livelihoods and my clients' needs were on the line. It became a burden that resonated deeply with my soul.

I know many of you may feel the same way — trapped in your version of Groundhog Day, each day a repeat of the last. Without seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, life can feel unbearably burdensome. Despite having a seemingly successful business, financial freedom, and the flexibility to work from anywhere, I felt trapped. My soul screamed for the freedom to serve God, a yearning for spontaneity and flow.

The Turning Point: From Despair to Divine Direction

Desperation led me to pray fervently for a solution. My word of the year was "trust", trusting that everything would unfold as it was meant to. God answered my prayers, as He often does, in ways unexpected and miraculous. He showed me a path to simplify my work, free up my time, and create a monthly recurring revenue stream that allowed me to focus on serving others while maintaining stability. This became what I call the "Fourfold Path to Freedom."

The Fourfold Path to Freedom

  1. Right Mindset: Clearing mental clutter to allow God to speak. This involved journaling and setting aside morning time for devotionals, Bible readings, and reflections. By doing so, I defined my core values, mission, vision, and purpose.

    • Mission: To serve others and bring them back to Jesus.

    • Vision: Start a movement of mission-driven people, allowing it to take a life of its own.

    • Purpose: Leaving a legacy for future generations to understand the importance of God in their lives.

  2. Right Marketing: Simplifying your message to promote it effectively. Have one offer, one avatar, one social media platform (I recommend YouTube), write one heartfelt email weekly, and create one video. This reduces complexity and avoids being overwhelmed.

  3. Right Way to Monetize: Most of us still need to earn money. Partnering with a profit-sharing company can allow for monthly recurring revenue that continues to grow even if you take time off.

  4. Right Membership: Building a community of like-minded, value-sharing people who support one another. Our MVP movement is a mansion with many rooms, serving various individual missions but unified in our goal to serve God.

Breaking Free from Groundhog Day

Implementing this Fourfold Path brought a transformative shift in my life, providing peace, greater health, wealth, and freedom. If you're tired of a demanding job and overwhelming to-do lists, consider joining the MVP movement. I now work a few hours weekly, focusing on leading the movement that God placed on my heart.

Your Turn to Experience Freedom

Are you ready to retire from your job from hell and break free from Groundhog Day?

Join my live discussion this week to learn more, ask questions, and get support!

This is not just about finding a new career or hobby; it's about stepping into your God-given purpose and living a meaningful life.

So until next time, thank you for joining me today. If you haven’t already, please subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications. Comment below and help us spread the word. I send you love, peace, and prayers, and hope to chat with you soon.

God bless you. I will be back again next week.

Janet Clark

Janet Clark is the founder of The Freedom Shift and the Women's Impact Network.

Janet Clark

Janet Clark is the founder of The Freedom Shift and the Women's Impact Network.

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